In Memory of Good Friends

We are sure that it would be the will of Zosia when we dedicate the late WRS members this special page. Unfortunately the life of a rabbit is much too short and the loss of a good friend a very sad story. We had to learn this in October 2002 when the founder of the Web Rabbit Society was liberated from a long suffering and pain. The decision to let her go wasn't an easy one to take, but she could go in peace and has found a beautiful place in the only pet cemetary in Switzerland. Before we show you the list of passed friends, we want to show you two pictures of her grave.

The Cemetary Grave of Zosia

Good friends
Baron Olli The best friend of Zosia and Wiesia has left us in september 2003. We will never forget you! Pictures of Baron Olli
Bubu und Bambam The two chief inspectors of the rabbit SoKo have died in august 2001 and april 2003. We will always think of you! Pictures of Bubu und Bambam
Helmi One of the best friends of Wiesia who left us much too early. We also won't forget you! Pictures of Helmi
Brummpa Our godbunny, who was allowed to spend at least some happy years in a private animal home in Switzerland. The shelter BrockiPet is always greatful for material help. Pictures of Brummpa

Members of the Web Rabbit Society
Bun-Bun A WRS-Mitglied from the USA
Died in September 2003
Pictures of Bun-Bun
Felix A black dwarf, one of the first WRS members Pictures of Felix
Hoppla A secret admirer of Zosia. He too had to leave this world much too early. Pictures of Hoppla
Lucy Eine reizenden Widderdame aus Österreich.
Sie starb im April 2003
BPictures of Lucy
Saint Augustine Ambrose Brown Saint Augustine was the advisor of his family.
He already died in april 2000

A memorial page for a CottonTail-rabbit with many poems and stories
Wonkiepuh 2006 Wonkiepuh hopped over the Rainbow Bridge and has left a big hole behind him Bilder von Wonkiepuh

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