Friends of the Web Rabbit Society

As there have been several registrations for Web Rabbit Society of rabbits, that don't (yet) own a homepage we decided to create this page, which presents rabbits, which don't have a homepage of their own. If they sent us pictures you can see them by clicking on the arrow. Of course all the rabbits are invited to send me pictures of themselves. It would really please me to see this collection grow!

Bärchen and Puschel Two lops from Germany Pictures of Bärchen and Puschel
Max A French rabbit from Strasbourg Pictures of Max
Rocky A sweet rabbit from Germany Pictures of Rocky
Kimba A sweet small rabbit (only 600g!) Pictures of Kimba
Armani & Johnny Two friends from Germany Pictures of Armani und Johnny
Maurice A sweet French lop from Switzerland Pictures of Maurice
Buffy & Snoopy Two sweet rabbits from Germany Pictures of Buffy and Snoopy
Schnuffel A beautiful danish rabbit from Germany Pictures of Schnuffel
Minki, Quicky & Löwi Three friends from Austria
Chloe and Oscar Two friends from Wiltshire, UK
Non stop & Tommelise Two rabbits from Norway
Bunny A rabbit from far away Texas
Mucky and Mümmel Bauer Two friends from Chemnitz
Möhrchen + 5 Junge I know only that they come from Wasserburg.
Bambi A rabbit author
Neo A friend from Italy
Billy Bunny Brockbank
Petsch and Cora Two friends of Harsewinkel

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