Diary and Reflections
Umschlag Tagebuchaufzeichnungen

Diary And Reflections Of A Rabbit About The Relationship Between Humans And Rabbits And Vice Versa

In her first masterpiece Zosia considers philosophical questions. During her life with the human race she has learned, that life has many obstacles ready for a small rabbit.They can only be overcome when you meditate about the meaning of life. So Zosia can still not understand how the humans explain to have the right to lock them up in cages or even eat them. So she made it her business to describe the world, as a house pet sees it. A good book on this theme was long waited for and who can write better on this issue than a noble rabbit, that has to struggle every day with the lack of judgement of her human servants.
But this wasn't the only injustice that made her engage in philosophy. There is a certain specy of animal (beside the specy dog that Zsoa as potential prey didn't particularly like) that she couldn't stand at all. It calls itself cat. With their egoism they take all the best places in the human world for themselves. Zosia asked herself why rabbits had to waste away in dark cages while cats can lead a life in freedom and the warm living rooms? And she thought that cats were arrogant enough to believe that they were the only animal authors that are estimated worldwide. How do they endorse this pretension?
You can see, there are many questions. And none was answered yet, so meditation continues and who knows, perhaps there will be a sequel to her besteller one day.

Extracts From Diary And Reflections Of A Rabbit

I think I have to make some remarks on cats at this place.

It is no surprise, that we rabbits have no good words for cats. Because it's them, that mostly prevent the humans to grant us a nice place, that is often claimed by cats. They block with this egoistic behavior the most beautiful and cosy places, which could as well be occupied by rabbits. They persist on the priviledge, which cannot be defended with anything, to be the only ideal house companion of the humans and they defend this priviledge until today with verve. All that remains for us are the dark stables, into which we are locked and which prevent us, to take part in the human lifes. I am the best example to prove that this attitude is entirely wrong and acting according to it also.This false perception is a very important impulse to write these notes. These beasts (I'm still talking about cats) shall no longer think, that they are the only animal race to have brought notes and reflections to paper. If the gentle reader does not know who and what is meant by this allusion, it is no misfortune. On the contrary, I congratulate him of being so far spared by this concoction. Diary, p.7

I have accustomed myself fairly quickly to my new home. I must admit, that I think, that I couldn't have more luck in my situation. I even managed to form during some time my humans after my will. Just as an example I want to jot down, that I had them soon let me out of my cage. Like this I was able to explore and conquer slowly but steadily my whole new environment. In the beginning there were some closed doors for me, but it didn't take long until I had free entrance also in these rooms of which I took advantage thoroughly.
I also accustomed myself to the uncredible noice my humans produce during the night. Since shortly I produce a counterpoint to this noice that reminds me of a saw by tearing strongly on the rills of my cage and throwing my little house around. Very often my efforts are rewarded and the noices stops for some minutes.
I cannot complain on the whole about the boarding. I often find really delicious treats in my feeding dish. Only in the last weeks they started to put a paste on otherwise delicious morsels. They tried to tell me that with this I could better digest my hair. But I think it more probable that they are afraid, that I could get too fat. But this is completely nonsence. I know best, what is good for me and when I have had enough.
From time to time I show my humans that I have remained a real rabbit even though I live with them. Mostly they are greatly delighted when I do my binkies and start to dig in their drawer of clothes. Only when I happen to tear holes into their cloths, especially my male human doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic. As if I was capable of the really bad cloth qualitiy! Diary p. 12/13

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Author: Freifrau Zosia von und zu Loh, geborene Braun
Title: Diary and reflections of a rabbit about the relationship between humans and rabbits and vice versa
Published by: "Kraut und Rüben" Genossenschaftlicher Verlag der Hasen und Kaninchen GmbH
Ordering Number: 4453
Price: CHF/$ 5.00

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